Project 4203


Map Citations for "ISO/IEC 19770-2, Information technology — Software asset management — Part 2: Software identification tag, Second edition 2015-10-01, Corrected version 2017-02" [AD 3050] into the UCF


ID Description (task type) Status Assignee
261596 Create Citation Hierarchy. In Mapping UCF
305510 Add a term to the dictionary In Mapping UCF
305578 Tag the "§ 5.3.2" Citation Blocked - In Mapping UCF
305579 Tag the "§ 5.3.3" Citation In Mapping UCF
305587 Tag the "§" Citation In Mapping UCF
305588 Tag the "§ 6.1.6" Citation In Mapping UCF
305990 Map a Citation In Mapping UCF
306074 Tag the "§ 8.3" Citation In Mapping UCF
306075 Tag the "§ 6.1.10" Citation In Mapping UCF
306076 Tag the "§ 8.2" Citation In Mapping UCF
306082 Tag the "§ 6.1.7" Citation In Mapping UCF
348007 Add a term to the dictionary In Mapping UCF
356561 Add a term to the dictionary In Mapping UCF
358053 Match the "§ 5.2" Citation to a Control In Mapping UCF