Citation Tagging

{{ wayPoint.label }}

{{ wayPoint.label }}

Project 4203 – Task 306076

Instructions: Tag the Citation and add a corresponding Event if applicable. Task Description: Tag the "§ 8.2" Citation Authority Document URL: Website URI Document URI

Citation Reference: § 8.2

Citation Guidance: Due to the multiple use cases identified for SWID tag creation, the minimum data requirements for a SWID tag are relatively sparse. The only values that are required for a SWID tag to be considered "valid" to meet the requirements of the XML schema shall be the following: — SoftwareIdentity (8.5.1): — name; — tagId; — Entity (8.5.2): — role of TagCreator (at a minimum); — regid of TagCreator (at a minimum); — name of TagCreator (at a minimum). In addition, there are a number of SWID tag attributes in the SoftwareIdentity element that have default values. These include the following: — SoftwareIdentity (8.5.1): — Entity.regid – default value is http://invalid.unavailable; — patch – default value is false; — supplemental – default value is false; — tagVersion – default value is 0; — version – default value is 0.0; — versionScheme – default value is multipartnumeric.

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