Citation Tagging

{{ wayPoint.label }}

{{ wayPoint.label }}

Project 4203 – Task 305588

Instructions: Tag the Citation and add a corresponding Event if applicable. Task Description: Tag the "§ 6.1.6" Citation Authority Document URL: Website URI Document URI

Citation Reference: § 6.1.6

Citation Guidance: For the purposes of uniqueness, tagId shall be a globally unique value that shall be unique for every SWID tag created. It is recommended that tagId be a minimum of a 16 byte globally unique identifier (GUID), but it may also be a string that is constructed by the tag provider or another globally unique value. If a string construct is used, the tagId shall follow the restrictions for URI character use as specified in IETF RFC 3986, characters.

Compare Guidance Text

The new guidance differs from the current guidance, see below:
The new guidance is identical to the current guidance.

Tag Mandates

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