Citation Tagging

{{ wayPoint.label }}

{{ wayPoint.label }}

Project 4203 – Task 305579

Instructions: Tag the Citation and add a corresponding Event if applicable. Task Description: Tag the "§ 5.3.3" Citation Authority Document URL: Website URI Document URI

Citation Reference: § 5.3.3

Citation Guidance: When a patch is being identified by a SWID tag, it shall include the attribute "patch" with the value being set to true (see 8.5.1). SWID tags included with patches shall include a link to the product or products (see 8.5.4) it patches as well as links to any other patches to which the current patch may have a relationship. The relationships (see 8.6.7) that may be used by a patch are as follows: — patches – every patch with a SWID tag must include a Link to the product(s) it patches and the link must use the rel value of "patches"; — requires – the new patch requires that the earlier patch be installed first. In this case, the new patch may only be installable if the earlier patch is installed; — supersedes – the new patch includes all files from an earlier patch. The new patch (that supersedes the older patch) may be installed on its own, or after the earlier patch and either installation path will result in the same resulting state of the software product that is being patched. Patches that do not have either link with a relationship of supersedes or requires may be installed independently of each other and in any order. Figure 1 provides an example of how the SWID tags for patches work.

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