Citation Tagging

{{ wayPoint.label }}

{{ wayPoint.label }}

Project 4203 – Task 305578

Instructions: Tag the Citation and add a corresponding Event if applicable. Task Description: Tag the "§ 5.3.2" Citation Authority Document URL: Website URI Document URI

Citation Reference: § 5.3.2

Citation Guidance: When software is distributed from a software publisher, it is typically provided in a "pre-installation" structure and includes an installation script. This type of distribution may be provided on removable media or through downloaded file. In these instances, there are often times a tag consumer will want to know details about the software that is available to install. SWID tags identifying pre-installation distributions of software can be provided and are identified if the attribute corpus is set to true.

Compare Guidance Text

The new guidance differs from the current guidance, see below:
The new guidance is identical to the current guidance.

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