Citation Matching

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Project 3579 – Task 171050

Instructions: Identify the Control, if it exists, to which the Citation should be mapped. Task Description: Match the "Title 3 3.3.4(e) 60." Citation to a Control Authority Document URL: Website URI Document URI

Citation Reference: Title 3 3.3.4(e) 60.

Citation Guidance: In particular competent authorities should assess whether the institution has an effective framework in place for identifying, understanding and measuring ICT outsourcing risk, and in particular, controls and a control environment in place for mitigating risks related to material outsourced ICT services that are commensurate with the size, activities and the ICT risk profile of the institution and include:

Compare Guidance Text

The new guidance differs from the current guidance, see below:
The new guidance is identical to the current guidance.

Control Matches

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