Citation Matching

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Project 3579 – Task 170883

Instructions: Identify the Control, if it exists, to which the Citation should be mapped. Task Description: Match the "Title 3 3.3.4(c) 56" Citation to a Control Authority Document URL: Website URI Document URI

Citation Reference: Title 3 3.3.4(c) 56

Citation Guidance: Competent authorities should assess whether the institution has an effective framework in place for identifying, understanding, measuring and mitigating ICT change risk commensurate with the nature, scale and complexity of the institution's activities and the ICT risk profile of the institution. The institution's framework should cover the risks associated with the development, testing and approval of ICT systems changes, including the development or change of software, before they are migrated to the production environment and ensure an adequate ICT lifecycle management. For this assessment competent authorities should, in particular, take into account whether the framework considers:

Compare Guidance Text

The new guidance differs from the current guidance, see below:
The new guidance is identical to the current guidance.

Control Matches

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