Citation Matching

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{{ wayPoint.label }}

Project 3579 – Task 170889

Instructions: Identify the Control, if it exists, to which the Citation should be mapped. Task Description: Match the "Title 3 3.3.4(c) 56.i" Citation to a Control Authority Document URL: Website URI Document URI

Citation Reference: Title 3 3.3.4(c) 56.i

Citation Guidance: an independent review and validation processes to reduce the risks for human errors when performing changes to the ICT systems that may have an important adverse effect on the availability, continuity or security of the institution (e.g. important changes to the firewall configuration), or security of the institution (e.g. changes to the firewalls).

Compare Guidance Text

The new guidance differs from the current guidance, see below:
The new guidance is identical to the current guidance.

Control Matches

Why are you sending the task back? (optional)